ViewType = VIEW_TYPE_NOTHING ViewPower = VIEW_POWER_LED30W ViewAnglePan = 540 ViewAngleTilt = 270 ViewAngleBeam = 16 ViewReversePan = FALSE ViewReverseTilt = FALSE ViewReverseDimmer = FALSE ViewReverseIris = FALSE ViewColor = 16777215 3DViewShape = 2DViewImage = Channel = pan Channel = pan fine Channel = tilt Channel = tilt fine Channel = pan/tilt speed Channel = color white,0,7 red,8,15 yellow,16,23 green,24,31 blue,32,39 CTO,40,47 cyan,48,55 magenta,56,63 white,64,64 index,65,189 right_rotate,190,221 stop,222,223 left_rotate,224,255 Channel = gobo Miscellaneous/open,0,7 Miscellaneous/gobo1,8,15 Miscellaneous/gobo2,16,23 Miscellaneous/gobo3,24,31 Miscellaneous/gobo4,32,39 Miscellaneous/gobo5,40,47 Miscellaneous/gobo6,48,55 Miscellaneous/gobo7,56,63 Miscellaneous/shake_gobo7,64,71 Miscellaneous/shake_gobo6,72,79 Miscellaneous/shake_gobo5,80,87 Miscellaneous/shake_gobo4,88,95 Miscellaneous/shake_gobo3,96,103 Miscellaneous/shake_gobo2,104,111 Miscellaneous/shake_gobo1,112,119 Miscellaneous/open,255,255 Miscellaneous/right_rotate,189,189 Miscellaneous/stop,255,255 Miscellaneous/left_rotate,193,193 Miscellaneous/right_rotate,194,255 Channel = gobo_rotation index,0,63 right_rotate,64,145 stop,146,149 left_rotate,150,231 ?bounce,232,255 Channel = prism no_function,0,3 6-facet prism,4,6 slow to fast,7,65 slow to fast,66,123 6-facet prism,124,127 No function,128,131 5-facet prism,132,134 slow to fast,135,193 slow to fast,194,251 5-facet prism,252,255 Channel = focus Channel = dimmer Channel = shutter closed,0,3 open,255,255 strobe,76,76 pulse_strobe,77,145 random_strobe,146,215 open,216,255 Channel = function no_function,0,7 Blackout on pan/tilt movement,8,15 Blackout on color wheel movement,16,23 Blackout on gobo wheel movement,24,31 Blackout on pan/tilt/color wheel movement,32,39 Blackout on pan/tilt/gobo wheel movement,40,47 Blackout on pan/tilt/color wheel/gobo,48,55 No function,56,95 Pan Reset,96,103 Tilt reset,104,111 Color wheel reset,112,119 Gobo wheel reset,120,127 No function,128,135 Prism reset,136,143 Focus and zoom reset,144,151 All reset,152,159 No function,160,255 Channel = animations no_function,0,7 Movement macro1,8,23 Movement macro2,24,39 Movement macro3,40,55 Movement macro4,56,71 Movement macro5,72,87 Movement macro6,88,103 Movement macro7,104,119 Movement macro8,120,135 Sound-active movement macro1,136,151 Sound-active movement macro2,152,167 Sound-active movement macro3,168,183 Sound-active movement macro4,184,199 Sound-active movement macro5,200,215 Sound-active movement macro6,216,231 Sound-active movement macro7,232,247 Sound-active movement macro8,248,255 Channel = zoom