ViewType = VIEW_TYPE_NOTHING ViewPower = VIEW_POWER_LED30W ViewAnglePan = 120 ViewAngleTilt = 90 ViewAngleBeam = 16 ViewReversePan = FALSE ViewReverseTilt = FALSE ViewReverseDimmer = FALSE ViewReverseIris = FALSE ViewColor = 16777215 2DViewImage = Channel = dimmer Channel = shutter open,0,0 strobe,16,255 Channel = red Channel = green Channel = blue Channel = white Channel = red Channel = green Channel = blue Channel = white Channel = red Channel = green Channel = blue Channel = white Channel = red Channel = green Channel = blue Channel = white Channel = color_macro red,0,0 green,40,40 blue,70,70 white,100,100 red + green,130,130 green + blue,160,160 red + blue,185,185 red + green + blue + white,203,203 snap,205,229 fade,230,255 Channel = effect_macro no_function,0,0 Color Snap,110,110 Color Fade,122,122 Red+Green+Blue+White+Strobe (slow),136,136 Red+Green+Blue+White+Strobe (fast),150,150 Red Chase (1 head on back and fourth),162,162 R/G/B/W Chase (1 head on left to right),175,175 R/G/B/W Chase (1 head on back and fourth),188,188 Green Chase (1 head on left to right),201,201 Green Chase (1 head on back and fourth),215,215 R/G/B/W Color Chase Head 1+2 | 3+4 (all on),228,228 R/G/B/W Color Chase Head 1+3 | 2+4 (all on),240,240 R/G/B/W Color Chase (all on),248,248 audio,255,255 Channel = effect_speed Channel = pan Channel = tilt Channel = pan Channel = tilt Channel = pan Channel = tilt Channel = pan Channel = tilt Channel = pan_speed Channel = tilt_speed Channel = control no_function,0,0 reset,255,255